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Welcome Parents, Guardians 
Please read the instructions below see you on Schoology! 
This year the Bayonne Board of Education will be using schoology for our online instruction!

Student Access Schoology by visiting the website:

Login Credentials for both your student Chromebook and Schoology are your Student First Name followed by Student Last Name followed by last two digits of your senior graduation year and followed by 


(Example [email protected]) Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)

username (example):  [email protected]
password (example):  bboed123456 (No SPACES)

More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBOED Website at:

About Me


 I would like to introduce myself and my role. Resource classrooms and resource teachers provide instruction in small groups outside the classroom.


    My goal for our students is to provide rigorous classroom instruction, reinforced through short homework assignments, and by creating a positive learning environment geared towards student independence. 


     To reach the latter two goals we work on developing a growth mindset This helps our students transition from a fixed mindset ( I'll never be good at ...) to It's ok to make mistakes, mistakes show me how to get stronger. In short we focus on postive growth no matter how small every minute of practice we are a minute stronger than we were when we started.