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Spanish I & II (2020-2021)~Señora Tilbury~[email protected] ~369-6714


This syllabus, as well as the “Welcoming Presentation” will be posted in Google Classroom. Please view it! I am looking forward to teaching your son/daughter. This will be a learning experience for everyone. We will get through this one day at a time. I will be using Google Classroom to post assignments, as well as post material (such as vocabulary lists and flashcards using Quizlet) that they should utilize for practice in order to be successful. Also, I will be posting assignments via Edpuzzle, which is an online tool that has videos. The students watch a video, and throughout the video it pauses for the students to answer questions. Also, I will be utilizing an online tool called Flipgrid in which the students record themselves, so that they can practice speaking in Spanish. These short videos will then be sent to me, so that I can monitor their progress. The plan is to introduce new concepts (virtually) through videos and answering questions using vocabulary lists. They practice these new words/expressions using flashcards and games online. When they return to class with me, we practice these concepts and vocabulary on which they will be assessed.



      1st offence: Student will receive a verbal warning

     2nd offence: A parent will be notified by phone/email

     3rd offence: Student will receive an office referral


    Class Codes for Google Classroom:

Spanish II (1st block):  svudjam                                       Spanish I (5th block):  rwissap

Spanish I (3rd block):  g34y44z                                       Spanish I (6th block):  4vn24mo

Spanish I (4th block):  uivoki5                                          Spanish I (7th block):  myv67g7




NISH World Languages Department

 Policies and Classroom Expectations

Fall, 2020- Spring 2021

Classroom Expectations:



NEUTRALIZE NEGATIVITY                                         


  • Be nice
  • Think positively.
  • Respect the environment.
  • Respect teachers and classmates. 



  • Ask questions.
  • Participate in class.
  • Have appropriate materials daily.
  • Think before speaking.
  • Be alert. 



Grading Policies:  As per Iberia Parish School Board policy, the calculation of your Grading Period grade will be based on the following:


   Types of Grades:

1) Summative Major grades, such as tests, essays, major quizzes, oral presentations, projects, etc.

2) Formative Smaller grades, such as quizzes, homework, classwork, warm-ups, exit slips/tickets, etc.


    IPSB Policy regarding point values in assessments:

1) Summative grades: can be worth 60 – 125 pts. with a minimum of 4 per grading period.

2) Formative grades, excluding homework: can be worth 1-40 pts per summative.

3) Homework:  cannot exceed the maximum value of 80 points per grading period and is checked for completion.

3) Bonus points: shall only be awarded for academic purposes and may only be attached to a summative grade.  Bonus points shall not make the grade exceed 100%.


General absence policies

When a student is absent, it is his or her responsibility to get the work he or she missed.  All homework assignments will be posted, and students can contact classmates or email the teacher to clarify assignments. If the student’s absence will be extensive, parents are encouraged to contact the Guidance office. The student will have the number of days he or she was absent to make up the tests, homework, and assignments.


Absence during tests

Students who are absent and miss a test have five school days to make up the test.  The count of school days begins when the student returns to school. 


Assessment Recovery (Test Recovery)

Assessment Recovery is a type of classroom intervention that allows students to recover a failing grade on a summative assessment. 

             1.            The opportunity is offered to all students scoring below 75% on any major assessment.

             2.            Students who refuse to take a test, cheat on a test, leave a test more than 75% blank, or do not put forth effort as determined by the classroom teacher are not eligible for test recovery. 

             3.            Students who score below 35% on an assessment will need teacher permission to participate in recovery opportunities.

             4.            Remediation is required before students may attempt assessment recovery.

             5.            The highest re-score that can be attained through assessment recovery is a 75% C.

             6.            Students are only allowed one (1) opportunity to recover an assessment.

  1. Students not enrolled in an honors course may recover a maximum of FOUR (4) summative assessments per grading period.

                  b.   Students enrolled in an honors course may recover a maximum of TWO (2) summative assessments

per grading period.

               The assessment recovery option applies to tests only; it does not apply to homework, quizzes, or assignments. Students only have 5 school days to retake a test after remediation.


Grading Period Recovery:   

If you failed any of the first three Grading Periods of a semester, you can participate in Grading Period Recovery. Grading Period Recovery allows you to redo the grading period you failed (with your current foreign language teacher) and earn up to a 75C.  You must enroll in the grading period immediately after the one you failed, and you must complete the work and take the test before the end of that grading period.  For example, if you failed the 1st grading period, you MUST enroll in Grading Period Recovery in the 2nd grading period AND complete all assignments and assessments before the end of the 2nd grading period.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The student will retake the summative assessments given by his individual teacher. All summative assessments administered within the Grading Period must be taken to earn possible credit.
  2. In order to take a summative assessment, remediation is required before students may attempt Grading Period recovery.
  3. All Assessments must be taken in the Make-up Center on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 2:35-4:00.
  4.  YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCE WHILE TAKING THE SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (FOR EXAMPLE:  GOGGLE, WEBSITES, OR NOTES).  If you are caught using an outside source, you will not receive credit for the grading period. 
  5. The grades will be given to your counselor who will then record your final grade.
  6. When replacing the failed grade for the grading period, the highest possible grade that can be earned is a 75% C, regardless of the grade(s) earned in the recovery period.
  7. Should a student fail the 4th Grading Period only, the student can receive course credit by achieving the predicted growth target on the Post Test assessment.



All work submitted by a student should be his own authentic work-product which does not involve the use of digital or human translators.  This includes, but is not limited to, Google translate, word-for-word dictionary translation, help from a Spanish speaker, and/or copying work from another student or any other form of cheating.

These actions can result in a zero on the assignment and a referral to the office.  Disciplinary actions can result.             



I have read, understood, and will follow (or will assist my student in following) the policies enforced in Spanish I and II classes at NISH. I am aware that the NISH administration has approved these policies, and administrators and guidance counselors reference these policies when assisting students in academic matters.  I understand that all students are expected to keep a copy of these policies and reference them as needed.  I will contact my student’s teacher in a timely manner and work with him or her whenever possible to assist my student.