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Welcome Back Everyone for another amazing year at Nehaunsey Middle School and an exciting year in Social Studies.  Be sure to come back to this site throughout the 2019-20 school year to get lots of information on whats happening in social studies and get details on how to make this year successful for everyone.  If anyone needs to contact me at any time please email and I will be sure to get back to you as quickly as possible.  You are also welcome to call me at Nehaunsey Middle School and I will return your call.



 Sign up for "Remind" if you choose.  For those who have not used this, it is a way for teachers to send out group text messages/emails to parents and students.  This would be used for the sole purpose of quickly sending information on changes to assignments/,schedules, due dates, etc.  Instructions for signing up are listed in your grade "news" tab to the left.  Please contact if you have any questions.