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Mrs. Rios’ Classroom Policies


Grading Policy


Grades will be based on the following:

            70% Tests/Projects/Presentations (TE)

            20% Lab/ Quiz (QZ)

            10% Instructional Tasks (Classwork/Homework) (IT)


Materials Required


Students must bring the following to class everyday:


Charged Chromebook


Pens/ Pencils



Class Work Policy


In class assignments/activities will be given for a grade.  All in class assignments must be turned in by the end of the period. One classwork grade will be issued at the end of the marking period.


Homework Policy


Homework assignments will be assigned approximately 2 times per week. All assignments and due dates will be posted on the Schoology. 


Test/ Quiz Policy


All tests and quizzes will be announced in class. Due dates and reminders will be posted on Schoology.


Laboratory Policy


Lab work and activities will be integrated into our regular class time. Labs and activities will be followed up by a post lab/activity assignment consisting of worksheets and/or questions to be completed.




Projects may be assigned in accordance with the material being covered in class.  Ample time will be given to the students to complete their projects. 


Absence Policy


All course notes and assignments will be posted on Schoology. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain notes covered in class on the day of their absence.  If a student is absent on a day when homework is due, the student is still responsible or posting it on the due date if the assignment is online. If the homework is a paper assignment the student must bring it to class with them the next day.  A student must make up missed quizzes or tests within three days of the initial absence.  In the event that a student is absent during one of the assigned laboratory days an alternative assignment/ makeup lab may also be given.


Extra Credit


Extra credit may be give through out the year at the discretion of the instructor.


Extra Help


Chemistry can be a difficult subject for many students to understand.  Please do not struggle in silence. Tutoring is available everyday during zero period each day at 7:45 am. 


Miscellaneous Policies


There are no visible cell phones/ air pods/ headphones allowed in class.  Charging of cell phones or other electronic devices is not allowed.


All in class notes will be taken in a notebook. Chromebooks may only be used when needed for a specific assignment.


Lateness will not be tolerated.  Five (5) lates of less than 10 minutes each will equal 1 cut.  A late of 10 or more minutes counts as a cut. Cutting class will result in a suspension.  


All students must be in accordance with the policies of Bayonne High School; this includes but is not limited to proper dress code and proper classroom conduct.


Students will not be permitted to go to their locker during class time.  Please make sure you have everything you need before entering the class.



CHEATING/ PLAGERISM/ USE OF AI OF ANY KIND WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.  This includes but is not limited to copying from another student, the internet or any book. It also includes sharing of electronic files (Ex. Google Docs)Use of AI technology such as ChatGPT is prohibited.  A grade of zero will be given for any plagiarized assignment.