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Welcome to our classroom website!


I am so excited to be your child's Math and Science teacher this year!  I know it will be fun with lots of learning and new adventures, and I can’t wait to see what it has in store for us.   I have included some helpful websites here for you including a link to the Pelican homepage which has important information about our school.  Please check my website weekly to access the homework calendar to see what your child will be working on and what you can help them with at home. Please feel free to contact me at any time throughout the year with questions or concerns.  You can reach me by phone, 239-549-4966 or by email, [email protected].  


Science: Big Idea 8 Study Guide


Know the properties of solids, liquids & gas.


How does salt and sand respond when mixed in water?


Know how to read a thermometer.


What makes up a bubble, both on the inside & outside?


Know the difference between a mixture and a solution.


What do the particles of a solid look like?


What do the particles of a high temperature substance look like?


What are the tools that we can use to find volume?


Know which property stays the same even when a substance changes state.


What is steam?


Do all states of matter have texture? mass? shape?


What happens to chemical changes when temperature increases?


Do substances dissolve quicker in cold or hot water?


What kind of change does the batter of a cake go through when it is heated in the oven?


How can sand be separated easily from other materials?




Science Fair Project Rubric:


Judging Rubric:


1) TITLE PAGE:5pts

  • Presented on the 1st slide and includes the following:

    • Project Title

    • Problem Statement (Scientific Question)

      • Clear and focused purpose

      • Testable using scientific method

      • Cannot be answered with a yes or no

    • Your Name

    • Science Teacher

8) PROCEDURE: 10 pts.

  • Presented on the 6th & 7th slide and includes the following:

    • Detailed steps for running the experiment

    • Detailed steps for measuring the dependent variable

    • Detailed steps for safety concerns


  • Presented on the 2nd slide and includes the following:

    • Demonstrates understanding of the topic

    • Includes background research on variables 

    • Research is typed in summary

9) DATA TABLE: 10 p[ts

  • Presented on the 8th slide and includes the following:

  • Title

  • Properly Labeled

  • Units (in metric system)

3) HYPOTHESIS: 5 pts

  • Presented on the

  •  3rd slide and includes the following:

    • Explains scientific reason for the predicted results

    • Based on research

10)  DATA ANALYSIS: 10 pts.

  • Presented on the 9th slide and includes the following:

    • Graph (proper title, labels, metric units)

    • Results include a summary of how independent variable affected dependent variable


  • Presented on the 4th slide and includes the variable you manipulated (changed on purpose) in your experiment.

11)  CONCLUSION: 10 pts

  • Presented on the

  •  10th slide and includes the following:

    • Hypothesis supported/not supported by results (based on data analysis)

    • Revision of original hypothesis if results did not support            


  • Presented on the 4th slide and includes the outcome variable (what you measure) in your experiment.


  • Neatness

  • Effort

  • Color

  • Proper Spelling & Grammar


  • Presented on the 4th slide and include a list of at least 5 variables that remained unchanged in your experiment.

13) Did they include both extentions and applications?: 10 pts.

7.) MATERIALS: 5pts

  • Presented on the 5th slide and include:

    • What consumable supplies were used?

    • What equipment was used?

    • What measurement tools were used?

    • What safety items were used if necessary?

OVERALL SCORE:                 _______ / 100




                           Yearbook Pre-Sales


Yearbooks and Love Lines are available on a pre-order basis on January 23rd, 24th, and 25th.


Please look for the Yearbook Pre-Sale form that went home with your child, fill out the information, and send the form back to school with cash or a check made payable to Pelican Elementary School with 'yearbook' written in the memo area. 


These orders will only be accepted between 7:25 - 7:55 A.M. in Ms. King's 4th grade classroom. 


Please remember that these are the ONLY pre-order dates for purchasing Love Lines.


Love Lines money and order forms will NOT be accepted after January 25th. 


Yearbooks will be delivered and distributed at the end of the of the school year. Any remaining yearbooks will be available on a first come first serve basis at that time. 


Yearbooks- $20.00      Love Line- $5.00      Yearbook & Love Line- $25.00


Please keep in mind that Love Lines are limited to 20 words not including To and From/Love.




 Please keep in mind that the CLINIC does not provide a change of clothing in the event of an incident (accident, lunch spill, recess mishap...). Students are responsible for having their own change of clothing. May I suggest your child keeping their change of clothing in a bag at the bottom of their backpack/bookbag. 


Parents are always welcome to join their child for LUNCH. However, we ask that you first sign in at the front office to get your visitor sticker and then you can meet your child in the cafeteria. Our lunch time is 10:10 - 10:35. 


Specials are on a 6-day rotation. Students will have P.E. Music, Technology, and Art. 

 * Students will have PE every other day.

 Please be sure your child is dressed appropriately and has a water bottle. 



Set up your Focus Account to view your child's grades and assignments!



 Click the the link to create a Focus Parent Portal Account 


Click  Create Account


Use your ParentLink email address to create your account.


The computer will generate a password for you. Your login is your email address.


Change your password in the preferences when you can.


Scroll down in Assignments & Grades




GO Math Website Links:


Student Textbook:


Student Workbook:


Student Reteach Workbook---just in case you need it!









Safety Patrols:  You are required to eat breakfast and check in with your teacher before you go to your assigned post.  You must leave your planner opened with your homework on top if there is a long line to check in with the teacher.  BLOCK 1 begins promptly at 8:05am and all students must be ready to learn at that time.  









Please be sure to periodically look through your child's P-Sell Science book.  There are graded activities and investigations/experiments that we complete throughout the year.


