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                                   Welcome to our Fourth Grade Website!  


       In Language Arts, we will be using a series called MyView Literacy from Savvas Realize.  The students can access all of the materials online through our Schoology page or through the Savvas link in Clever.  The students received a consumable workbook that contains our story for the week and the skills we will be working on. We will use our RED reading notebook to reinforce the standards and skills.  With each unit, we will also be working in our writers workshop using or ORANGE writing notebook. With each story, the students will also be completing the skill sets on IXL that correlate to that week's standards.

     We encourage all of the students to be reading independently at home.  The children should be able to read independently for two hours a week (20-30 minutes each night) .  Every month the students will be reading a book of their choice and completing a choice board for their novel.  The best way to improve their reading and writing skills is to keep reading! By reading a variety of books, they will be exposed to new vocabulary words, their comprehension will improve, and they will develop a writing style.  A thesaurus is a great assest to use at home with your student, because it will provide them with a list of synonyms to replace overused words.  

   In Social Studies, we will be learning all about the different regions of the United States throughout the year.  We will explore the diversity of the United States through its landscapes and people.  We will dig deeper into the framework of our government.  Our skills that we will be focusing on are describing the ideals that unite Americans, analyzing symbols that represent important ideas, people, and events, identify and understand the three branches of government, and explain how the US economy has changed over time.   

   Please log on to your child's Parent Portal to stay up to date on their grades.  Please check this website for links to help at home.  Here you will find some of your student's textbooks and workbooks online. If you are having trouble logging on, let us know as soon as possible. 


   Parents we will be using a free App called Remind Me. This app will allow you to see all important information including homework and messages from your child’s teacher. This will also allow you to send us private messages. 




**When logging in please add your child’s name next to your name 


EX: Mary Smith (John Smith). 

To get text notifications please download the Remind app to your phone :Remind: School Communication - Apps on Google Play


Our class code 




You can also text a unique class code to a Remind phone number. The Remind number is 81010   Ourclass code is  You would text 




Once you download the mobile app for iOS and Android devices, create a new account (or log in if you already have one.) To join a class, tap the + by Classes Joined and either join with your class code or search for your class. You'll automatically get app notifications.



Another way to join is to go online. Visit and enter the class code and your email address along with your mobile phone number. You'll get text notifications at the number you entered.     



Thank You!




If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at school.

(201) 858-5984 School Telephone


[email protected]      Mrs.Aceti  

                              [email protected]     Mr. Robert Kelly(Inclusion)

[email protected]     Mrs. Pecoraro