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Status Report: Mr. Burton's classroom website for the 2019-20 term at Albany Middle School -- home of the hometown Hornets.  I am honored to be part of this family. It is my 28th year of service, and I will be teaching 8th Grade Science to the future leaders of the world.



Parents:   If you should need to contact me, feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].  Or you can get the remind app and get announcements on your cell phone. I would love to hear from you and provide an update on your child's behavior, grades, or any other concern. 


Materials Needed: 

Pencil (mechanical or conventional)

Highlighter (yellow)
Paper (loose leaf or notebook)

Composition Notebook (for Science Journal)

3-Ring Binder (a safe place to keep handouts)

They may combine with other subjects.
Color Pencils or Markers.

General information that may be of interest:

Our Science Department policy in reference to grades:



   MMA: Major Assessments (Exams, Quizzes, Activities, Labs)         (90%)

   PC: Participation/Completion (Classwork, Homework)                     (10%)



Students should complete assignments PRIOR to the assessment on that material.
PowerSchool is an incredible resource.  Please use it to check on grades.
Due to my subject area, we do a fair amount of laboratories.  I may send home permission forms in reference to some of them.
All exams are on OnCourse and can be corrected and 1/3 of the points lost redeemed.