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Kindergarten may be one of the most important years of your child's education. During this year your child will become acclimated to their surroundings and the daily routine. Your child will make everlasting friendships and will get acquainted with the staff at Philip G. Vroom School. The academic foundation will begin forming during this first formal year of education. The Kindergarten students gain many skills during the course of this year. Your child will develop a positive attitude about school and build their self esteem. This will affect them personally and will affect their educational performance throughout all of their years of school.



PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATION is very important to ensure that your child has a wonderful year! I would like to hear any positive or negative comments your child makes about our classroom so I can help them adjust in every way possible. Please discuss any concerns your child or you have at any time during the course of the year. These concerns are easily worked out, if we address them promptly. I also need to know any information that may affect your child in school. For example, if your child is not feeling well, a parent is traveling, a family member or pet has passed, your child had a rough morning or did not sleep well or they had a problem with another child at school, etc… All of these things may affect your child’s performance at school. Please send a note in your child’s folder.  Please know that I am accessible to you.




*Please reinforce the literacy and math homework I send home each day as a review of the skills and concepts your child needs to know for an upcoming test. The activity sheets allow you to become familiar with the material being taught.


Links to the websites of your child's special subject area teachers are located to the left.

As always, Mrs. P and myself thank you for your continued cooperation and support!
All I ever needed to know, I learned in kindergarten.
 ~Robert Fulghum