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Woodrow Wilson School - #10
Go Wildcats!!!

    Our Kindergarten Classroom 

  Our Classroom

For the Month of September:

Literacy - Students will be begin to use the phonics series Fundations daily.  We will be learning the names of the lowercase letters, the sounds they make, and how to write them.
Math - We will begin working in our GoMath series and learn to represent, count, and write 0-5.
Interstudies - Back to School Night is Sept. 26!
Grading Policy - In Kindergarten we grade based on a Letter System rubric and we are using a Standards-based Report Card.

ES - Exceeding the Standard
MS - Meeting the Standard
AS - Approaching the Standard
NS - Needs Support
Conduct - (+) means Satisfactory
(-) means Improvement Needed
Specials for the Year:

Wednesday-Phys Ed
Thursday-Phys Ed
*On Phys. Ed. days please dress your child in gym appropriate attire and sneakers.  Thanks!
*Please send in a healthy snack and drink with your child each day!!  Thanks!!
Here are some webites great for Kindergarteners!

100 Days of School

Our Classroom Library