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Welcome to Mrs. Perez's & Mrs. Kessler's classroom website at Philip G. Vroom School!


This website will highlight the various subjects we will be learning each month.


Check back each month for new information to help you and your child.




 Important Days in September

Pretzel Day is every Thursday $1.00 Cinnamon Pretzels $1.50

September 24th-Back to School Night











Week 1

What is important about being a friend?


We will be reading: What is a Pal?


Words to Know: and, be, help, you, play, with

Short a words

Consonants n, d



Week 2

What happens during a storm?


We will be reading: The Storm


Words to Know: for, what, have, he, look, too

 Short i words

Consonants r, h, z/s/



Week 3

Why is going to school important?


We will be reading: Curious George Goes to School


Words to Know: do, find, funny, sing, no, they

Short o

Consonants l, x




During the month of September we will be working on Chapter 1-Numbers to 10