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"We Love Learning"

Welcome to Kindergarten!!  My name is Angie Camel, this is my fifteenth year here at Meaux Elementary.  My youngest child is a sixth grader that just left Meaux to move on to North Vermilion, one of my daughters is a NVHS Senoir and the oldest is a graduate from NVHS as well as UL.  My investment here at Meaux is personal and close to my heart, not only for my children but also for yours!   
Every parent needs to know that they are the first teachers their child will ever have.  It is a very important job and one that should never be forgotten, so thank you for the work you have done so far. 
Though you have sent them off to us, your job will continue.   In our classroom we will learn to recognize letters, learn to write them, learn what they sound like, learn what happens when we put them together and ultimately become readers!  We will count numbers, write and read numbers, and manipulate numbers to see what happens when they are put together, when some are taken away, and even know what to do when some are missing.  But we will also need to learn how to work together with others productively,  learn to take turns politely, be respectful to adults and each other, and learn that sometimes the answer will be "No".  With such a  large group we will also need to learn to wait patiently, and learn that we will not always get our way.
So parents, please make your investment into your child's success by:
*Encouraging successes
*Tutoring learning
*Enforcing  importance of good behavior
*Rewarding achievements
*Loving unconditionally
Know that here at Meaux and in this kindergarten classroom the goal for each student is to excel academically, grow personally,  and be respectful and kind. 

Angie Camel