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In order for students to be successful they must do their best to be present and pay attention in class.  All assignments are expected to be completed in a timely manner.  




Students will be honest and respect others belongings and personal property. This includes a student’s work. ALL communication between students pertaining to sharing individual work will not be tolerated. Students are expected to bring all work to class. This includes ALL homework. You will not be allowed to return to your locker once the tardy bell rings.  




All people in our classroom will show integrity in our words and our actions. When an adult is talking or another student is asking a question you will show respect.  It is common courtesy to raise your hand when someone is talking. Everyone will be respected by our actions and our words.




Students will come into class with pride.  No horseplay, no stalling. Enter the classroom ready to learn and participate. All assignments, inside and outside of class, will be completed with pride.