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Mrs. Nguyen's 7th and 8th grade gifted ELA


Hello -  I teach the 7th and 8th grade gifted ELA students at Neville Junior High along with a block of 8th grade honors, and my classes provide students with numerous opportunities to strengthen their reading, writing and even technology skills.  Through the use of Accelerated Reading, in-class novels, other literature and technology, students will be challenged each and everyday. 

I am an avid believer in using technology to enhance my classroom, and students will use Google Classroom extensively throughout their time in my class.  This allows the students to connect with one another and with the teacher in a controlled environment about classroom activities and assignments.  Your child will have their own login along with a place to house their documents in the cloud.  The second piece of technology I use in my classroom is the Kindle e-reader.  My classroom currently has 40 Kindles students can checkout for reading their AR books. 

You can stay informed about important classroom information through Remind. 

7th grade gifted remind code is @nguyen2029
8th grade gifted remind code is @nguyen2028