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Mrs. Valega and Mrs. Hardy's Pre-K Class 


 Image result for march clipart



Important Dates This Month


Virtual School Spirit Week:

Monday 3/30- Hat Day, wear a hat that makes you happy

Tuesday 3/31- Family Day- do something fun as a family

Wednesday 4/1- Art Day, create a bee 

Thursday 4/2- Animal Day, take a picture with your pet/stuffed animal, draw a picture of your favorite animal

Friday- School Spirit Day, wear your school shirt or a blue shirt




Please continue to work on your Pre-K Packets.

This is the link to the packet:





Books You Can Read



Please log in to Bookflix for your child to read a number of amazing, good quality books


Username: apmorris

Password: bookflix




Character Education

Our character trait for the month of March is responsibility.


Responsible scholars:

  • Follow the rules
  • Put their belongings away
  • Clean up after themselves




Letters We Are Learning

Each week we will focus on a new letter. Please work with your child on identifying the letter, saying the letter sound, writing the letter, and identifying things that start with the letter. 

Letters for February are: J, A, B, Z



Things to Work On At Home 


Here is a list of things you can help your child work on at home:

  • Counting objects
  • Identifying letters and letter sounds
  • Writing  first and last name
  • Sorting objects (by color, size, shape, etc)
  • Opening snacks
  • Doing buttons and zippers



Things to Work On At Home 


  • Make sure all of your child's items are labeled with his or her name or initials
  • Please send in a snack and drink every day (no candy, sippy cups, glass bottles, or soda)
  • If your child is riding the bus, he or she must have a bus pass on their bookbag
  • If you will picking up your child early, or if somebody else will be picking up your child, you must write a note to inform us
  • Blankets will be sent home every 2 weeks to be washed

Websites for Pre-K Kids