page contents


Dear Parents/Guardians,                                 


Welcome to a new and exciting year of math!  My name is Corita Thomas and I am a 7th grade Math teacher at Neville Jr. High School.  I am looking forward to a fun year of exploring the world of numbers. I am writing this letter to familiarize you with what your son/daughter will be responsible for in my class.  Please feel free to contact me anytime throughout the school year if you have any concerns about your child or the class. Please read over the following information about the requirements of the course.


What is your schedule?


Period Time Class
1st 7:29 - 8:18 Math
2nd 8:22 - 9:09 Math Lab
3rd 9:13 - 10:00 Math
4th 10:04 - 10:51 Planning Period
  10:51 - 11:16     Lunch
5th 11:20 - 12:07 Math Lab
6th 12:11 - 12:58 Math (H)
7th 1:02 - 1:49 Intervention
8th 1:53 - 2:40 Math Lab (H)    
  2:40 Bus Rider Bell
  2:45 Car Rider Bell


What materials do I need for 7th grade math?

  • Current Module
  • 2 Speckled Notebooks
  • Pencils - only pencils will be allowed for use in class and on homework.

  • Bottle of Glue
  • 2 Dry-Erase Markers
  • Kleenex (Girls Only)
  • Hand Sanitizer (Boys Only)


Student Expectations

It is up to you to choose how the class goes! If you come to class ready to listen and learn we will have a great time! I expect all of my students to follow my 5 simple rules

1. Be prompt (on time)

2. Be prepared (have all of your classroom materials ready

3. Be positive (ready to learn and have a good time)

4. Be productive (ready and willing to work during class time)

5. Be polite (respect the teacher, your classmates & yourself)


Teacher Expectations

It is up to me to make7th grade math as fun as possible while we learn some cool things too! I can promise that I will

1. Be prompt (I will do my best to be on time, ready for you)

2. Be prepared (I will have all of my materials ready for you)

3. Be positive (I will be ready with a smile, ready to teach, learn and enjoy math!)

4. Be productive (I will work just as hard as you)

5. Be polite (I will be here to listen, watch and make sure you are taken care of in 7th grade math)


Every student is expected to put forth their best effort everyday.  This means always being aware of the classroom rules and procedures.  My goal is to achieve a safe, nurturing classroom environment where everyone feels comfortable.  I believe this environment will help all students reach their full potential.   


How will I be graded in 7th grade math?


The grade on your report card will be determined by all of the following requirements:


Homework/Participation (includes coming prepared)
Zearn Lesson Completion (Honor Class:  4 per week, Other Classes:  3 per week)
Bellringer Quizzes
Notebook Check


Grading Scale

Grade Honors Other Classes
A 90-100 93-100
B 80-89 85-92
C 70-79 75-84
D 60-69 67-74
F Below 60         Below 67


What will a normal day be like in 7th grade math?

Our routine will look like this...

1. Upon entering class, you will have a bellringer to work on.

a. This could be review from last year or review of something we did the day or week before.

2. We go over any homework that was assigned the night before.

3. We will explore a new lesson.

                   a. Take some notes

                   b. Small groups

                   c. Games

4. Exit Ticket

5. MathLab - Begin working on the Practice and required Zearn lessons.

6. Complete Reinforcement/Enrichment Activities if time allows.


Homework will be assigned almost every night and will consist of completing the Practice if not finished in class.  Assignments are listed on my website (Go to the Neville Jr. High website and then click on my name under Meet the Faculty to find my web page).  These assignments must be handed in on time and must be neat for any credit to be given.  Any assignment that is not completely finished will not receive full credit.  No excuse will be accepted for incomplete assignments or missing assignments, except an absence.  If the assignment is not completed, the student can complete it and hand it in the following day for an 80%.  If it is not handed in the following day, the student will be given one last chance to get the work done for the following day to receive a 60%.  Otherwise, he/she will receive a 0% for that assignment. Those students who are absent must complete the assignment they missed.  They will have 1 day (or more depending on duration of absence) to complete and hand in the assignment they missed the day they were absent.  It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the work they missed on the day they return.


Quizzes are given throughout the marking period.  Students must be prepared. They will be told, at least the night before, that they will be given a quiz the next day in class.  If a student is absent on the day of a quiz, they will make up the quiz the next day.             


End of Module Tests are given at the conclusion of each Module.  The tests are announced about a week in advance.  The information will also be on the web page. Tests will consist of all information covered in class.  Test material will be similar to homework problems and problems they worked on in class.  If the student receives a test and/or quiz score below a 70%, a form will be sent home to be signed.  This will ensure that you are aware of the grade.  Please sign the form and return it the next day. The students will file all their quizzes and tests in a folder that will be kept in my classroom.  Their grades will be recorded on Parent Command regularly. Please make sure you have your user name and password, so you can check the website regularly.



How can my parent(s)/guardian(s) contact you if they have questions?

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school (318-323-1143 ext. 2119 from 10:04 - 10:51, which is my planning period.  I can be contacted by e-mail at: [email protected].  I also have a teacher page on the Monroe City Schools website ( that will have more information about this class and a copy of the course outline.


Thank you in advance for your cooperation in your child’s responsibilities in their math class this year!  I am looking forward to working with you to make this a GREAT and SUCCESSFUL school year!


Thank you,

Mrs. Corita Thomas

7th Grade Math