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Welcome to Mrs. Welling's class website!




Thank you for visiting our class website! First grade is a critical year for reading development. Please help your child be successful in school by including reading in your daily routine at home. Remember to read at least 30 minutes each night with your child. It is important that you ask questions and interact with your child while he/she is reading. Have your child go back and find details to support his/her answers in the story. This is an important skill for students to be able to do. Thank you for helping your child learn to read fluently.



"Remind" is our class's communication tool. Please make sure that you have signed up for it. I will be sending out updates, reminders, and pictures of our leaning.



Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]  with any questions or concerns. Your child’s education is my priority. Let's work together to make this the best year yet! Thanks for all you do! 


*Don't forget to check out the "Secret Word!" for the month.