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Mrs. Box

10th Grade Geometry & 11th Grade Algebra II


I am so excited to be teaching at the Slaughter Community Charter School this year!  I will teach 11th Grade Algebra II using a variety of resources including the book Barron's Painless Algebra by Lynette Long, Ph.D., ACT Math Test Preparation Guide published by American Book Company, and Barron's ACT Math and Science Workbook by Roselyn Teukolsky, M.S. I will teach 10th Grade Geometry using the SpringBoard Curriculum that is written by the College Board to prepare students for Advanced Placement (AP) courses and college.  It is a non-traditional, rigorous curriculum that teaches students to think; students will also enjoy the activities!


Please click on the "Homework & Events" tab on the left side of this page to see a calendar that lists daily planned homework, projects, tests, due dates, ... The scheduled events reflect the weeks lesson plans which are posted on Mondays.  Depending on the classroom dynamics, the assignments are subject to change during the week.


         SPRINGBOARD - online book!!  

               website -

                  Access Code:   

                                    1st, 2nd, 4th - Geometry - FZMLXZ


                  Click "New to Springboard," enter you class access code, and follow directions to log in.




PARENTS - Please ask your child what they are learning in my class!  Homework is not assigned every night, but students need to study every night.  Vocabulary is very important!!!  Practice!!!  Practice!!! Practice!!!  Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.