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The second grade curriculum provides developmentally-appropriate literacy experiences that reflect the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Language Arts Literacy. As second grade students continue their educational journey, they begin to apply their knowledge of the world of letters, sounds, and words. In an environment that is rich with a variety of literature, second grade students are guided through a program that provides daily sustained guided and independent reading and writing opportunities in flexible grouping formats. Clear, concise written communication is developed as writers expand upon their writing skills, compose a variety of written works, and begin to demonstrate a sense of audience and purpose. Oral language is developed in an atmosphere of respect, which encourages the importance of active listening as well as that of organized verbal communication. Interaction with print, non-print, and electronic texts is an integral part of this elementary excursion into the world of reading and writing.

ESSENTIAL LEARNINGS: All second grade language arts literacy students will demonstrate an understanding of the following strands from the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and media literacy.

New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards Are indicated in parentheses


All second grade students will..

 Understand and demonstrate how texts are organized and use the text structure to locate and interpret information (NJ 3.1, 3.5)
 Flexibly problem-solve words, including analyzing letter-sound relationships and visual
patterns    (NJ 3.1)

 Read with phrasing and fluency at appropriate
levels (NJ 3.1)
 Integrate sources of information such as letter- sound relationships, meaning, and language structure (NJ 3.1, 3.2)
 Recognize a large core of known words automatically (NJ 3.1, 3.2)
 Make inferences and support them with textual information (NJ 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)
  Respond to text through discussion or writing, demonstrating understanding and/or interpretation of the story (NJ 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)



All second grade students will..

 Begin to develop an awareness of simple story structure and author’s voice
(NJ 3.2, 3.1, 3.5)
 Adhere to conventions in all written documents (NJ 3.2)
 Produce and organize finished writings to share with others (NJ 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
 Use writing for different purposes across the curriculum (NJ 3.2, 3.5)