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Hello and Welcome to Mrs. Smith's Kindergarten Classroom!



My name is Mrs. Jackie Smith and I am so excited to be your child's kindergarten teacher! I am looking forward to getting to know your children and I am excited about what this year will bring. I  know that this year is very distinct from any year past, but rest assured we will journey it together. Though it will be a little different, it will still be filled with lots of fun and learning! 

To provide you with a little background information about myself, this is my fourteenth year working as a teacher in the EHT public school system. This is my 2nd year as a kindergarten teacher. Prior to that I was a preschool teacher here at Davenport Primary and I am very eager to "share" this year of Kindergarten with you! My husband and I have 2 children, Olivia (7) and Trey (4), as well as a dog named Cali and cat named Beatrice. We are a very busy house with lots of coming and going and we love our family time! Aside from the fun things we do as a family, and spending time with friends, I enjoy reading, visting cool places, shopping, and baking. I can't wait to learn all about your children and what some of their favorite things are!

While this time in your child’s life can be filled with both excitement and anticipation it can be somewhat anxiety provoking as well. Some of your children may be outgoing from the gate and others begin a little more shy. My very first priority is to gain a strong rapport with your child. It is important to me that they view this classroom as an extension of their own family. We will be spending lots of time together and it is very important to me that every child feels that this classroom is a safe place for them to be themselves, share ideas, take risks, and ask for help. This social emotional learning is key to productive academic learning and together it will help to build a strong foundation for lifelong learners. 

My door is open if you need to reach me for any reason. I am here to help your child and that sometimes means helping you. You can reach me on Class Dojo or email me at [email protected]. I'm looking forward to a GREAT year!



Mrs. Jackie Smith