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                    My Name is Sergio Guzman

 I am a graduate of the University of Southwestern Louisiana (USL).  They now call it the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Behavioral Science and have worked for many businesses since. I have worked in management for most of my career and did most of the hiring and firing for many of these businesses.  I am now a JAG Specialist for New Iberia Senior High.
Below you will see a little about the Jobs for America's Graduates program in Louisiana:

Jobs for America's Graduates
, or JAG, is a school-to-career program implemented in 700 high schools, alternative schools, community colleges, and middle schools across the country and United Kingdom. JAG's mission is to keep young people in school through graduation and provide work-based learning experiences that will lead to career advancement opportunities or to enroll in a post secondary institution that leads to a rewarding career.



The primary objectives of a JAG Model program are:

  • Target the 'right' young people for services.
  • Keep program participants in school through graduation or completion of a GED.
  • Extend program services to participants for 12 months after graduation or completion of a GED.
  • Assist graduates and completers in pursuit of a post secondary education and/or an entry-level job that leads to a career.
  • Deliver services to non-graduates and non-completers during the 12-month follow-up period to attain a GED certificate or a high school diploma.

++++JAG can be used as a substitute for Journey to Careers ++++