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General Syllabus


Natalie Kohler

[email protected]


OBJECTIVE:           Develop usable life skills that can be used in many personal and work related situations.



          Notebook or 3-ring binder                                 Fabric(FACS)—TBA

          Folder*                                                           Sewing Kit (FACS)—TBA

          $20.00 (FACS)/$25.00 (NUT)lab fee                                                                                     


All class assignments will be collected.  They may or may not be assigned a point value.  Work should be complete upon handing it in to get the full amount of points.
Homework should be turned in when entering the classroom on the day the assignment is due.  It will not be accepted if turned in at the end of the period.
Focuses should likewise be turned in at the beginning of the class, not at the end of the period when you have had time to scramble to complete the assignments you didn’t do during the week.
All assignments/homework are to be turned in the day they are due.  All late assignments/homework will be accepted but will be penalized.  The penalty for late assignments/homework is 50% of the assigning point value.  A few major assignments (100+ points) will, however, be an exception.  All major assignments will be accepted up to three days late.  Each day late will penalize you 10% of the assigning points.  After the third day, the assignment will not be accepted and will receive a zero.  PBIS cards may be used to excuse late work turn ins—50% penalties for minor assignments and a PBIS card for each day major assignments are late (3 days late = 3 PBIS cards).
For all late/missing work, tests and assignments, you must turn in a LATE WORK/EXCUSE form.  Be sure to completely fill out the form and attach it to your late assignment when turned in.
All non-class assignments/homework (assignments/homework for other classes) worked on during instructional time will be confiscated.  The confiscated work will be given to the assigning teacher with the suggestion that the student receives a zero for the assignment.
As per district policy grades 9-12 will use summative assessments after the adequate use of formative assessments.There shall be a minimum of 6 graded items for each subject area per grading period.
Summative assessments represent the majority of the grade; therefore, in each 4.5 week grading period there shall be a minimum of 3 summative assessments.
Summative assessments shall range in value from 50 to 125 points.  Formative assessments shall range in value from 1 to 30 points.
For each summative assessment, the cumulative value of formative assessments shall not exceed 30 points.
State created interim assessments must be converted from a raw score to a 100 point scaled score using the district conversion scale when recording as a summative assessment.
Additionally, individual and/or small group assignments, projects, and labs will be assigned.  These assignments will be graded upon the quality of work and the meeting of content criteria.  Rubrics will be given to demonstrate grading.
Any student absent on the day a test will be given is required to take a make-up test in the MAKE-UP CENTER. 
Students are allowed to take their make-up test within two weeks of returning to school.  The incomplete grade will be changed to a zero if the student fails to retake the test.
If the make-up test is failed the students will be offered Test Recovery if the test(s) were made up within the two weeks of return.  After two weeks, Test Recovery will not be offered.
If extenuating circumstances prevent the student from testing within the two weeks allowance, the student must notify the teacher so that accommodations may be made.
The MAKE-UP CENTER is only open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school in the library until 4pm. 
If for any reason a student cannot stay for 5th block, it is the responsibility of the student to make arrangement with the teacher to complete assignments.
Test recovery is offered to all students scoring below 75% on any summative assessment.
Students who refuse to take a test, cheat on a test, leave a test more than 75% blank, or do not put forth effort (ex. Not attempting essay/short answer) as determined by the classroom teacher are not eligible for test recovery.Students who score below 35% on an assessment will need teacher permission to participate in recovery opportunities.
The highest re-score that can be attained through assessment recovery is a 75% C.
Students are only allowed one (1) opportunity to recover an assessment.
If a student qualifies for test recovery, they will be given a test failure notice by the teacher.  This failure notice will inform students of their opportunity for test recovery.  The students must meet any criteria listed on the failure notice and must get a parent/guardian to sign the notice in order to retest.  They must take the test within one week of failed test.  If the student does not take advantage of test recovery within the one week allowance, their grade will remain an F.
If extenuating circumstances prevent the student from testing within the one week allowance, the student must notify the teacher so that accommodations may be made.
Throughout the semester, food labs will be performed.  Each foods lab will be worth 50 points. 
Students will have the opportunity to participate in the foods lab if he/she has paid their lab fees.  If lab fees have not been paid, the student will be given an alternative, written assignment in order to receive their 50 points.  Failure to complete the assignment will result in the loss of points or receiving a zero for the assignment.
Food lab procedures will be discussed during safety and sanitation.