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Welcome to the 2022-2023 
Mrs. Lella
Hi there! I am Mrs. Lella. I teach 6th grade Language Arts and History. 
Homework can be found daily on the 6th Grade Homework Course. 

Grade 2 through Grade 12 students will be using Schoology for their learning management system.  Students access Schoology by visiting the website: or by going through Clever

Login Credentials for both your student Chromebook and Schoology are your Student First Name followed by Student Last Name followed by last two digits of your senior graduation year and followed by 


(Example [email protected]) Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)

username (example):  [email protected]
password (example):  bboed123456 (No SPACES)


Students access Clever by visiting the website:

Click sign in with Google and use the same credential as Schoology



Parents can create a Schoology account to see assignments, grades and teacher messages!  Click here for information on Parent/Guardian accounts!