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Reading Intervention Program Implementation and Criteria


All students are screened annually to establish academic baselines to monitor reading growth. The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA-2) is administered individually by the classroom teacher to determine a students' instructional reading level and to identify struggling readers who require intervention services.


Upon teacher referral, these students are screened using several diagnostic assessments to determine which students need intervention instruction. These tests include the Fundations Unit Assessments for Levels K, 1 and 2 and the Wilson Fundations inventory. 


Strategic Wilson Fundations instruction is delivered as a Tier 2, supplemental targeted intervention for grades 1-3 in a small group, 30 minutes 3-5 times a week, depending on grade level. Students may begin intervention instruction at Level C (DRA2-3) by grade 1. 


Wilson Intervention Benchmark Assessments track Tier 2 students' progress to identify those not achieving 80% mastery. These formative assessments are used to provide diagnostic information on how students are responding to intervention. Students may be regrouped based on individual progress and ability level.