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Unit 1 Week 1 


Spelling Words (VCCV):

1.  happen

2.  lettuce

3.  basket

4.  winter

5.  sister

6. problem

7.  supper

8.  subject

9.  lesson

10.  spelling

11.  napkin

12.  collar

13.  traffic

14.  suggest

15.  puppet

16.  skillet

17.  picnic

18.  planet

19.  system

20.  pumpkin




complete sentence tells a complete idea, begins with a capital letter, and ends with an end mark.


The dogs run across the grass. 
They bark happily.
Flowers are beautiful.
Ten blue balloons rise.
Crazy kangaroos are jumping up and down.


Not a Sentence: 
chewing on a bone
playing on the grass
are beautiful
ten blue balloons
jumping up and down


(Look at the examples and think about why each one is or is not a complete sentence)


 Unit 1 Week 2 



Spelling Words (Plurals):

1.  pennies

2.  inches

3.  plants

4.  families

5.  bodies

6.  glasses

7.  wishes

8.  pockets

9.  lists

10.  copies

11.  parties

12.  bunches

13.  crashes

14.  supplies

15.  pencils

16.  accidents

17.  libraries

18.  mysteries

19.  carpenters

20.  merchants



Subjects and Predicates

A sentence tells a complete idea with a subject and predicate. 
subject tells who or what the sentence is about. 
predicate tells what the subject is or does.

In the following sentences, the subject and the predicate are separated.

The boys / climb the tree.

They / laugh and play.


Unit 1 Week 3



Spelling Words (Present and Past Tense Verbs):

1.  using

2.  getting

3.  easiest

4.  swimming

5.  heavier

6.  greatest

7.  pleased

8.  emptied

9.  leaving

10.  worried

11.  strangest

12.  freezing

13.  funniest

14.  angrier

15.  shopped

16.  included

17.  occurred

18.  supplying

19.  scarier

20.  happiest



Statements and Questions

statement tells something. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.

question asks something. It begins with a capital letter and ends with a question mark.

Statement: Today is sunny.

Question: What is the weather today?


Unit 1 Week 4 



Spelling Words (Vowels ee, ea, ai, oa, ay, ow):

1.  clean

2.  agree

3.  teeth

4.  dream

5.  grain

6.  coach

7.  display

8.  window

9.  shadow

10.  cheese

11.  peach

12.  braid

13.  Sunday

14.  float

15.  thrown

16.  entertain

17.  complain

18.  bleachers

19.  willow

20.  wheat



Commands and Exclamations

command tells someone to do something. 
It begins with a capital letter and ends with a period.

An exclamation tells something with very strong emotion. 
It begins with a capital letter and ends with an exclamation point.

Command: Put the cup on the table.

Exclamation: This apple is delicious!


Unit 1 Week 5



Spelling Words(Vowels ou, ow, oi, oy):

1.  proud

2.  shower

3.  hour

4.  amount

5.  voyage

6.  choice

7.  avoid

8.  thousand

9.  prowl

10.  employ

11.  bounce

12.  poison

13.  annoy

14.  appoint

15.  broil

16.  however

17.  mountain

18.  coward

19.  turmoil

20.  chowder



Compound Sentences

compound sentence is made up of two simple sentences joined with a comma and a word such as and or but.

To make a compound sentence, write the first sentence.
Put a comma in place of the end punctuation and add a word such as but.
Then add the second sentence, but begin it with a lowercase letter unless it is a proper noun or I.

Example: I took my notebook, but I forgot to take my pencil.