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Third Grade Google Classroom


We will be using Google Classroom this year for some assignments and instruction.  Your child has a Google Classroom login and has access to my ELA and Social Studies Google Classes any time you or your child need it.


A weekly agenda will be posted to both my ELA and Social Studies classes on Mondays each week.  This agenda will outline our daily activities, homework assignments, and links to relevant and helpful materials.  You can also use the agenda for make-up work if your child happens to be absent.  Please be sure to check this weekly agenda regularly so that your child doesn't miss out on assignments from being absent or from homework and practice materials.  We will still provide a paper copy of homework assignments that will match what is posted for homework on the agenda.


Please feel free to contact me with any ELA or social studies questions by email or by Remind.  My email is [email protected].  I will make every effort to respond quickly during either my planning period  (8:15AM-8:45 AM, daily), or before/after school until 4:00PM.