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Directions from Class Dojo


Please join our classroom community on Class Dojo! 


New to Class Dojo?

1. Download the Class Dojo app

2. Open app and tap 'Parent' to create a parent account

3. Enter name, e-mail, and create a password

4. Tap 'Add child (+)' and use your code from your invitation


Already have a Parent Account on Class Dojo?

1. Open the Class Dojo app on your phone

2. Log in as a 'Parent' (if you aren't already). Ensure you're logged in as a 'Parent,' not a 'Student' or 'Teacher!' 

3. Tap the 'Kids' section/avatars at the bottom of the screen

4. 'Add child' using the code from your invitation


If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! 


Multiple Student Accounts


 If the you want to remove the older listings you can do so by following these steps...


To do this on the website:

1. Log in at

2. Click on your name in the upper right corner and select "Account Settings"

3. Scroll down until you see “Your kids”

4. Click “Remove”



To do this on the app:

1. Tap on "Kids" at the bottom of the app

2. Tap on the student you wish to remove

3. Click on the three dots on the upper right hand corner of the menu

4. Select “Remove [Child’s name]"

5. Confirm you wish to remove that child by selecting “Remove”