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Acute Illness - In the health office we are responsible for assessing your child's complaints and symptoms. If your child must be sent home due to illness, you will be notified. Parents are responsible for transporting their child home. Any student with a temperature of 100 or above must be fever free, without help of medication, for 24 hours prior to returning to school. Any student sent home for a possible contagious condition must have a doctor's clearance to return.


Injuries - The health office is also responsible for administering first aide if your child is injured. Mild injuries such as a paper cut for example will be treated and the student sent back to class*. Moderate injuries such as a large scrap will be treated and a note sent home. Serious injury such as possible broken bone or concussion will be treated and parent/guardian notified. If injury is considered emergent an ambulance will be called and a school representative will accompany the student to the hospital and remain until a parent/guardian arrive.

(*Note all preschool students will receive a note from nurse even for minor injury )