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Pre-K Grade Math – Week of 4/6-4/10 Eureka Math Module 4

 ● Play I Spy while walking around the house or yard.  ○ Look for objects of different length or weight. “I spy something heavy and round.” (A rock!) “I spy something tall and green.” (A tree!) “I spy something shorter than a foot.” (A worm!)

 ● Use blocks to build trains. (Substitutes might include dominoes, crayons of equal length, Legos, playing cards, etc.) ○ Build trains of different lengths. Ask, “Which train is shorter?” Say, “Let’s try to build another train the same length!” 

● Explore capacity with water play.  ○ Set out containers of different sizes and shapes. Ask, “Which container do you think can hold the most water?” or “Do you think all the water in your cup will fit in this bowl?” Pour water back and forth among the containers and make observations.  Continue to find opportunities to count in everyday experiences. “I wonder how many steps there are.  “Let’s count as we walk up the steps! ”

 ● Making Clay Numerals (​See How To Make Playdough Recipe ​ ) ○ Show your child the numeral 4. Have them replicate the numeral using clay or play-dough.  Guide students to use one piece of clay (rather than attaching several smaller pieces together) to encourage proper numeral formation, pinching off any excess. Repeat with the short horizontal part and, finally, the long vertical part. ○ Continue creating numerals 0 - 10.


Week of 4/6-4/10 Unit 7 - Shadows & Reflections

 Week 1 - My Shadow & Me (Big Question -- Why do we see shadows?) Week 2 - Shadows Big & Small (Big Question -- What makes shadows change?)

Internet Resources: ● Shadow - The Dr. Binocs Show ○ ● Peep and the Big Wide World: Shadow Play ○

 Fine & Gross Motor Activities: ● Making Shadows – What makes a shadow?  How do shadows change? ○ Go outside at different times of the day (8:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.) ○ Use sidewalk chalk to trace your shadow at each time of day. (write down time of day. Note: Youtube  ○ Discuss where the sun is, how the shadow looks, what changes you see, etc… ○ Questions to ask… ■ At ____ time, is your shadow long or short? ■ When you walk, what does your shadow do? Does it follow you or move? ■ What makes a shadow get bigger or smaller?  (more or less light)

English Language Arts ( Pre-K)

 Story Time - Suggested Titles​ ( If you have other books about shadows or reflections, please feel free to substitute)

 ● Whistle for Willie ​ by: Ezra Jack Keats ○

 ● Moonbear’s Shadow ​ by: Frank Asch ○ .be

 ● The Day I Met My Shadow ​ by: Melissa Brun ○

 Discussion Topics… ● Ask your child to retell the story. ● Ask the following questions. ○ Who was in the book? ○ What was the book about? ○ How did the characters feel? ○ How are shadows made? ○ What makes shadows change?


Letter/Sound of the Week​: ● Review Sound made by Letter A ○ ● Learn about Sound made by Letter O ○ ● Learn about Sound made by Letter ○ ● Create letters using ○ Playdough -- Pinch playdough, roll into straight lines or curves to create letters ○ Shaving Creme, Rice, Sand, etc... -- Write letters in material, spread evenly then repeat ○ Sidewalk Chalk -- Write letters on cement outside

Blending Activity​ --  ​Put Them Together  To help your child put two or three sounds together to make words, play a game with toys with simple names. Collect several toys whose names contain no more than two or three sounds each, such as a bat, a cat, a top, or a van. Place a toy on the table and say its name slowly, making sure that each separate sound is clear. Have your child repeat the name, putting the sounds together to name the toy.


Final/Ending Sounds Activity​ -- ​Sound Table To help your child recognize words that end with the same sound, make a sound table that groups household items that end with the same sound. Begin by

placing one item on the table, such as a stuffed cat for the sound of t at the end. Have your child collect other small items from around the home that end with the same sound and place them on the table, such as a pot or a placemat. Then repeat the game with another ending sound.


Exercise, Rhyme and Freeze Exercise Song ​ ​- Jack Hartmann ●