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Math is all around us.  We use it everyday in so many ways.  At home, find fun and meaningful ways for your child to use math so they can see its importance.  Please encourage your child to practice the addition and subtraction facts.  He/she  should have them all memorized by the time they are in third grade.  If they are not yet memorized, please have them practice 5-10 minutes daily.  It is important to know the facts quickly in order to successfully complete adding and subtracting larger numbers. 




Reading and writing are important no matter what age or grade you are in.  Please encourage your child  to read as often as possible and at least 20 minutes most days.   The materials can be library books, at home books, AR books, non- AR books, magazines, comic books, newspapers, recipes.  You get the point---get them to read!!! Hopefully they will learn to love to read if they already don't.  

Reading will be taught through a Reading Workshop process. Your child will be reading books with the class as well as independent books on their own. Skills and strategies will be taught through mini lessons and they will be reinforce and applied as your child reads different books.


Third grade writing will be taught through a Writing Workshop process. Your child will be creating a writer's notebook which will be an integral part of the writing workshop. Information about the Writing Workshop can be found in the Writing Workshop link.  Grammar skills, mechanics, and spelling/word study skills are also a part of the writing curriculum.
At home you should be  encouraging your child to write often.  Shopping lists, things to do lists, family activities, letters to family and friends, and journal writing are just a few ideas.  Third grade writing becomes more detailed than first and second grade so writing often allows them to practice and reinforce what they have learned in school.  Plus, it's a skill everyone uses whether they are in or out of school.

Accelerated Reader---- This is a computerized program. After a child reads a book that has an Accelerated Reader quiz designed for that book, he/she will take a quiz that will assess their understanding of the book. 


Science/Social Studies


Science and Social Studies are 2 fact filled subjects.    These subjects include many new vocabulary words and concepts, so the children need to learn a few new words and definitions each night and review the material presented in class. Study and organizational skills are taught in order to help your child learn how to be prepared for the chapter tests. 







Most homework will be related to studying for tests and reading at home. Any homework given will be written down in class in your child's agenda/planner. It may also be posted on Oncourse.  




  On Line--FRIDAY FOLDERS- Information from the office will be posted on our school website. I will also send information related to our class to your e mail so please check it often.