page contents

Middle Ages Period-Norton Anthology Website

16th and Early 17th Century Period--Norton Anthology Website

Restoration and 18th Century --Norton Anthology Website

Romantic Period--Norton Anthology Website

Victorian Period--Norton Anthology Website

The 20th Century and After--Norton Anthology Website

Renaissance Period Website


Litearay Periods Defined

English Literary Periods Website


Articles for Note-Taking--AngloSaxon_Medieval Period

Overview of Lit Periods--Article for Note-Taking

Introduction to Medieval Literature

Introduction to Beowulf

Introduction to Chaucer



Video Summaries of Lit Periods

Video Links to English IV AP Literary Periods:  Great Places to start!


Overview of Literary Periods and Movements: A Historical Crash Course


When it comes to studying literature, there's about 1500 years of it to take in - and that's just in the English language! Fortunately, you can check out our crash course of key literary movements to see how the art form has developed over time.


Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 1 - Anglo Saxons

The first in Mr. Osborne's series of videos discussing British Literature sets the stage for the course and discusses both the Anglo-Saxon invasion of England as well as the first major work for the course: the epic poem Beowulf.


Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 1.5 - Medieval Period

Marking the midpoint in the first unit in British Literature, Mr. Osborne discusses the events depicted in The Bayeux Tapestry, Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, and Arthurian legend as chronicled in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Brittaniae (The History of the Kings of Britain).


Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 2 - The English Renaissance

Moving into the English Renaissance, Mr. Osborne covers the historical contexts surrounding the period, as well as some Renaissance-era poetry including the English (or Shakespearean) sonnet, and concludes with a brief overview of Shakespeare's classic tragedy, Hamlet.


Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 3 - The Restoration & Enlightenment

Mr. Osborne covers the historical contexts surrounding the period known as the Restoration.


Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 4 - The Romantic Period

Mr. Osborne covers the historical contexts surrounding the period known as the English Romantic Period.


Mr. Osborne - British Literature Unit Preview 5 - The Victorian Age

Mr. Osborne covers the historical contexts surrounding the period known as the Victorian Age.


Introduction to Periods Videos


Anglo-Saxon and Medival

The Renaissance

17th and 18th Century

Romantic Prose

Romantic Poetry

Victorian Literature

Turn-of-the-Century Literature

