page contents

Animal Project Due: 5-10  

Fast Reading Test: 5-14

Fast Math Test: 5-22 



Important Messages: Homework is assigned every night except Friday. Parents, please look in your child’s planner each night for homework assignments and any communications. Homework for the first week will be to fill their open house bag with items about themselves. They will be sharing them with the class.



Monday:   Math 14.4, Work on Animal Project, AR

Tuesday:   Math 14.5, Work on Animal Project, AR

Wednesday: Math 14.6, Work on Animal Project, AR

Thursday:   Math 14 ALD, Work on Animal Project, AR

Friday: No HW



 Google Codes:

Epic- TEV8679

Scholastic: GVGL8

Recorder: 4KSKXiS

Google Classroom: rcdij2g

Class Dojo:






Here’s what’s coming up:  


Assessments: You can now check your child's test scores on Focus. All assignments will be recorded in there. If you have any questions about grades, please give me a call. 




Remember, Home Connect AR link is a quick way you can see what your child has read in AR and what they got on AR tests (and even all the books they've read so far this year!)





So let the fun begin!      












AR Update  


The AR goal for 1st quarter will be 85% average on AR tests taken for everyone, and the point goal will again be individualized. 




Daily Schedule:

9:00-10:45 Reading

10:45-11:30 Specials

11:30-12:30 Math

12:40-1:05 Lunch

1:10-1:40 Finish Math

1:45-2:05 Recess

2:05-2:35 Science / Social Studies

2:35-3:05 Reading Intervention

3:10 Dismissal






If you would like to send in a birthday treat this year, it has to be individually wrapped. Something like a little debbie cake. We cannot do cupcakes, or anything that isn't wrapped.




















1. Only store bought items may be brought to school for sharing.

2. The teacher will schedule the treats at the time that works best for his/ her teaching schedule. Please bring the treats to school first thing in the morning so the teacher has this option.

3. Send in one of the following:            
                                        * a package of  cookies
                                        * small, individually wrapped Little Debbie, Hostess, etc. cookies/treats
                                        * bakery cookies

4. Make sure you have enough for the entire class (we have 18 students).

                  Do not send:

                                                        home made anything
                                                        anything requiring cutting and/or portioning









Often parents ask what they can do to help their child be more successful. Here's a few tips:                         


** Read nightly with your child. 


** Practice addition and subtraction facts for speed and accuracy.


** Check Planner daily to see what the homework is.


** Check homework daily.  *** Discuss any problem areas and correct mistakes. 


** Review with your child the graded papers that are returned in Friday's Progress Report envelope. 




Home/School Connection      



It is very important to me to keep the lines of communication open between home and school. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions. I can be reached every morning from 8:00 to 8:30 and afternoons from 3:00 to 3:30.


Diplomat Elementary  458-0033


Suggestion: Save this website to your "favorites" and no need to have any stage fright so come back soon for updated classroom information.