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Ways to help your child with reading:
•   Read to your child every day.

•   Choose a book that you like.

•   Sit together on the couch or a chair.

•   Talk about the book.

•   Look at the pictures.

•   Talk about what might happen next.


You are building vocabulary and understanding about what is being read.

What a gift you are giving your child!

Read everywhere that you go.  Read the stop sign, the Walmart sign, and the billboards on your way around town.  I remember when my daughter was 5 years old and we went to the mall.  She said,"That says J.C.Penney." She was amazed that she could read the signs above the stores.  What an amazing discovery!

Make homework fun!  Spend only 15-20 minutes on homework.  Have one on one time.  Sit together!  Don't stress about it.  If something is too difficult, come back to it later.


Children love to write!  Use markers, crayons, or sidewalk chalk.

Writing words make them easier to remember.

Thanks for all you do to help your child!