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 Biology is the study of life.  That includes you, a dog, a beetle and the bacteria that can make you sick.  We will first examine the microscopic cells that make up all living things followed by a discussion of the material inside cells like chromosomes and genes.  Biological theories of behavior and evolution will be discussed as well as classification of all living organisms (ex:  How am I the same as a beetle?  How am I different?)  Other topics include bacteria, viruses, the human body and cycles in nature.  The topics vary greatly, so there should be at least one thing you can enjoy. 

This class is very different from Physical Science, yet there are topics from that class that you should know in order to understand Biology.  You will HAVE to study at some point in order to pass quizzes and tests.  I do not give grades, YOU EARN THEM.


The following supplies are required for class, not recommended.  Please have them for Monday.  The binder will be assembled in class.

  • 1 binder
  • Loose leaf paper
  • Tab dividers
  • 1 folder (with holes so it can be placed IN binder)
  • writing utensil(s)



  • Grades will be EARNED based on the accumulation of points from tests, quizzes, bell work and other assignments.  Your grades will be weighted as follows:


  •  Tests and Quizzes-45%
  • Assignments-40%
  • Midterm/Final-15%



  • Tests are generally challenging and require studying of notes and other materials!!!
  • Bellwork is a daily graded activity!
  • To get full credit, you must attempt all assigned bellwork and correct any wrong answers upon review.
  • If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get the previous day’s bellwork—ask a classmate, not me.



Classroom Expectations

  1. Be on time.  This means you are in my classroom, seated and getting out materials.
  2. Bring materials to class.  This includes binder & a pen/pencil. Take it when you leave.
  3. Treat each person with respect and dignity.
  4. Follow all AHS procedures & policies. (bathrooms, phones, absences,e tc.)


Corrective Actions

1st offense:  Warning & documentation

2nd offense:  punish work

3rd offense:  double punishwork & call parent

4th offense:  Office referral


Note:  Severe actions such as using profanity, fighting, damaging property, etc. will not follow the above corrective actions.  You will be written up. 




  • Per the parish rule, you are only allowed to miss 5 unexcused days in a class!!!!
  •  If your absence is excused, you will be given 3 days from the date of your return to make up the work.  If your absence is unexcused, no make-up work will be given.  I will check your STUDENT PLANNER for excused/unexcused absences.
  • If you are absent on the day an assignment is due and you had been in class when it was assigned, you must turn it in the first day you are back in class.  If excused, no points will be taken off.  If unexcused, points will be taken off.


“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”

- Theodore Roosevelt