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                                Behavior Policy 


 I look forward to this year and getting to know your child and how he/she learns.  I strive to create a welcoming, nurturing, and caring classroom environment that is conducive to learning.  Learning is a lifelong process and I want to be a positive role model for your child.  My job is to get your child ready for third grade and in order to accomplish this, he/she must be ready, willing and able to follow the rules and goals set for this new school year.


Frank Long has a school-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS) plan, which is a prevention-oriented approach to school-wide discipline.  The goal is to increase academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.  The focus will be on the 3Rs: Ready, Responsible, and Respectful.  In order to encourage positive behavior, a house system will be used alongside Class Dojo and your child will be assigned to one of the six houses.  The houses are Artemis: Green, Athena: Yellow, Gaia: Purple, Hephaestus: Orange, Hermes: Blue, and Zeus: Red.  Students can earn points for their house and receive rewards each week if their house has the highest points at the end of the week.  House Crests will be used in the classroom for students to track points for their house.  You are encouraged to join Class Dojo to monitor your child’s behavior and to speak with your child daily about his/her behavior at school, mainly in the classroom and ensure he /she is exhibiting the 3Rs daily.



Second Grade Behavior Plan