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The following is a breakdown of my grading policy in science to help you better understand.


Homework: Assignments are designed to take 25 to 35 minutes, at the most.  It is important to turn homework in on time. Assignments are worth 10 points each. (There is only one day to turn in a late assignment and it will only be worth 5 points.)



Tests/Quizzes:Tests and quizzes are assigned periodically throughout the year.  


Projects:I may assign science projects throughout the year.  This allows the students to connect what they are doing in class with the real world.  They will count as two or three test grades.

 There will be a rubric the students can use as a guide.


Labs: There will be various labs throughout the semester both in class and at home.  They will count as 50 points each.  Two labs will be added together to equal a test grade.