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Discipline Chart: 

Students are expected to be courteous, well mannered, and follow school rules at all times.  Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.  If students do not follow rules he/she will receive consequences.


Classroom Rules: 

1. To be respectful I will quietly listen and raise myhand during instruction.

2. To be respectful I will follow the directions by paying attention and staying on task.
3.  To observe good manners I will keep my hands, feet, and other objects to myself, as well as respecting others with words and actions.
4.  I will be responsible and safe if I follow directions the first time they are given in all areas of the school



In addition, if a child consistently ignores requests and directions, this will be noted and it will affect their conduct grade.  When a child chooses to break a rule, these are the consequences:

No rules broken – A

One rule broken – A      (Warning)

Two rules broken  -  B    (5 minute conference and daily job will be lost for the day)

Three rules broken – C  (privilege taken away and Minor Infraction) 

Four rules broken – D     (privilege and recess taken away and 2nd Minor Infraction)

Five rules broken - F   (Major Infraction)

SEVERE DISRUPTION:  Sent to principal

This includes fighting, yelling, cursing, vandalism, or defiance.



Conduct Grades: 

Each day your child is given 4 points. Each time he/she breaks a rule  they lose a point.  So on Friday, they will have a total of 20 points for the week for perfect behavior.

*  There is a school policy with conduct grades.  If a child recieves a major infraction during the nine week period they CANNOT make an S on their report card in conduct.


At the end of the 6 weeks conduct grades will be S, N, or U.

100-77            S  (which is an A, B, or C)

76-70              N  (which is a D)

69-below        U  (which is a F)



I know that we are going to have a great year working together to see that your child succeeds in managing his/her own behavior.  It is important that your child receives the best education possible.  For this to happen, your child must follow our classroom discipline plan.  Please go over it with your child and let him/her know that you will not accept anything but compliance.  I look forward to a successful, fun-filled year of learning with your child!!

This may seem like a lot of information but I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.  Please feel free to contact me at school (937-8110). If there is anything else I can do throughout the year, don’t hesitate to ask.  I am hoping to have a successful year with you and your child.



                                                                                                            Shana B. LeBlanc