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Benchmark 1 Review Key 2016-2017


Lab safety word bank (9/7/16)


Extra density problems (9/15/16)

extra density problems answers (9/15/16)





Names and Formulas tutorial powerpoint (4/29/16) 




science fair abstract formatting (2/3/16)


ISEF (Science Fair) Handbook


Welcome to a course for college bound sophomores and juniors. During this school year, you will learn the basics of what matter is and how it changes. 


Students will need a 3-ring Binder (the 2-inch version works well. 1 and 1.5 inch binders are usually full after one semester), a bound composition book, and a scientific calculator.



Answer Key for Chemistry Basics Test Review (Posted 10/1)


Website for metric

another website for metric

 A tutorial for metric conversions via "moving the decimal place." (He does not go as far as nano and pico, but if you understand the concept, it shouldn't be a stretch to extend you're thinking. He also uses "mc" instead of "μ" to abbreviate "micro")