page contents

Our day starts promptly at 8:40 am.  All students gather in the Magowan Auditorium



Each morning starts off with a friendly hello.  Your child is then expected to enter the classroom and unpack their own bookbag to get ready for our school day!  We encourage them to be as INDEPENDENT as possible.


8:40-9:15- Fundations- Fundations teaches us the rules for our English language.  We learn how to decode and read words by tapping out words and we learn how to spell them using the same method.  We also get introduced to trick words.  Trick words are words that have no patterns to them and are harder to spell.


9:20-10:00 -SPECIAL


10:10-11:30- Reading and Writing Workshop-  Each reading and writing workshop is kicked off by engaging your child in a minilesson.  We then go and work on our own individual reading levels and writing pieces.  We try to apply the skills we learned in our minilesson to our reading and writing.  After we spend some time working on our own we come back together as a class and share some of our accomplishments.  Reading Workshop and Writing Workshop both happen each day!


11:35-12:20- LUNCHTIME


12:20-12:55- Intervention and Enrichment- This time of our day is spent helping us wrap our minds around those concepts we just don't quite understand or adding a little something extra to the concepts we are easily grasping.


12:55-1:35- Science/Social Studies-  We will work through our National Geographic Science program.  This covers all the newest standards with beautiful photographs.  We will do some hands on exploring and connect it to real world jobs.  Some of the topics we will explore are Light and Sound (physical science), plants and animals (life science), patterns that occur on our planet such as phases of the moon (earth science).  


1:35-2:50-  Math- We will end our day with math.  We will be using Everyday Math again.  During this time we will practice our new skills in our workbooks and by playing fun games.  Most nights students will recieve homework in math.  You will be able to keep up with the skills we are learning by reading the parent note on the top of each homework.


2:50-3:00-  We end our day by visiting our mailboxes to collect our papers and folder.  We will be guided through packing our folders to make sure each paper gets to the correct place.  Please remember that our goal is once again INDEPENDENCE!  Unfortunately this means on occasion things will be forgotten.  Mistakes are how we learn.  Forgotten homework does mean a homework notice but no worries it can be completed to following night.