page contents


Midterms review overview (guidelines and tips)

List of actual diagrams on midterm



Unit Five - Skeletal System



TEST PREP sheet/information


Skeletal System Disorder PPT notes


Cartilage to Bone worksheet WARM UP

Skeletal System Review Part I




Cartilage to Bones in utero -  WARM UP 

Explanation of Aging Hand ---> How do Bones Form?

Aging Hand worksheet



Female vs male pelvis


LABEL THE BONE WARM UP (post chicken wing lab)




QUIZ yourself Synovial Joint/Diarthroses

Synovial Joint worksheet

Cracking Knuckles Qs

Articulation/Type of Joints

web site link for joint notes 


Connective Tissue (SCOPE WORK) of bone PPT 

Pre-Connective Tissue scope lab - Sheet to be filled out and understood



Skeletal System PPT notes (not disorders - see other PPT above)


Bone & Joint Review Sheet

Fetal Bones & Fontanels

Skeletal Study Sheet

Classification of Bones by shape - visual for homework



Chicken Wing Dissection Lab Packet 

Skeleton POSTER class activity 


Unit Four - Integumentary system 


PLEASE NOTE - short answer also on test - how skin works to maintain homeostasis in respect to temperature

TEST PREP for tissues (scope work) and integumentary system (chap 5)


"Rules of Nine" worksheet

Skin Disorders - Burns & Cancer sheet


Dermis - Accessory Structures - Q to answer w/web page


Qs to accompany sunscreen article

Sunscreen article




Integumentary System Basics sheet

WARM UP -  label the layers

Review of Notes on Skin Basics in PPT



Sweat Gland Activity


O'Reilly Website Day Two REading w/Qs



Fetal Skin Slide - PPT w/visuals to help with scope lab


Great Pic of the Epidermal Layers


Guided notes packet - Integ. system

Skin Diagram - practice sheet

Integumentary System - PPT notes


Tissues of the Integumentary/Skin PPT notes - to help w/scope lab


 Skin Computer Activity - National Geographic - Part A only

Introduction to the skin/integumentary system - O'Reilly web site and Qs 



Unit Three - Tissues (chap 4)

Why study tissues?


 Helpful web site for tissues.  Make use of it!!!!



Tissue inflammation project - 50 points

Worksheet - Connective tissue

Worksheet - Epithelial tissue

Connective Tissue organizer 

Epithelial tissue organizer

Tissue PPT notes