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For the first marking period syllabus, click on the link below:


 Syllabus - MP 1.pdf 




October 12 - October 16


Mon., Tues.:      Work on college essay openings

                           HW:  Take notes on essay direction, details, sequence


Wed., Thurs.:     "The Declaration of Independence"

                           HW:  Continue essay work


Friday:               College Essay work (200 words due)

                           HW:  College Essay r.d. due Wednesday




October 5 - October 9


Here's a quick summary since most of what we've done has been along a single line of thought:

My objective has been to work from your experiences witih writing the "Well, Is It?" essay

and move into composing the college essay.  My emphasis moving away from the first essay

was to arrive upon some recognition of the importance of planning in the process of putting 

together an essay.  Then, as we moved forward, I've been pushing the idea of planning as we

prepare to write the college essay.  By Friday I want us to be ready to look at our sensory 

details and turn them into words and phrases -- which might cause us to see the necessity of 

including other information or ideas than we first had figured.  Also by Friday, I want to be 

able to look at this list of details and name the dominant impression that we want to serve as

the force behind our writing.





September 29 - October 2


Tuesday:         Address the difficulty of opening an essay

                        HW: "Well, Is It?" essay due on Monday, October 5


Wednesday:    Small group work: working through difficulties with opening and essay organiz.

                        HW:  see above


Thursday:        Individual work on essays/teacher feedback

                        HW: see above


Friday:             Touchstones -- continuation of opening discussion: the observer



September 21 - 25


Monday:       Clarify the prideful nature of human beings as presented in Sections IV and V

                     HW:   Read Section VI


Tuesday:        Go over the concept of "bliss" as defined by Pope in Section VI

                       HW:  Read Section VII


Wednesday:   Study Pope's "Great Chain of Being" (Section VII)

                       HW:  Read Sections VIII and IX


Thursday:      Re-read Sections VIII and IX, consider again Pope's condemnation of pride

                       HW:  Write a few sentences about reason -- what it is, what it means to possess it

                                 Finish the poem, Section X


Friday:          Studay Section X and conclude poem

                     HW:     Begin composing response essay to the poem



September 14 - 18


Monday:        Finish reading the opening to An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope

                      HW:    Re-read Section I

                                  Think about the concept of a "station": What is a station? What is your station?


Tuesday:        Section I of Epistle I, An Essay on Man

                             Consider the concept of occupying a "station"

                       Section II

                       HW:    Read Sections III and IV



Wednesday:   Touchstones

                           Focus:   What does this reading suggest about human beings?


Thusday:        Sections III and IV from An Essay on Man

                           Focus:   What is Pope advocating should be our approach to life as we live it and

                                         as we see it?  Why?

                        HW:   Read Section V, excerpt from Book of Job


Friday:            Section V: Book of Job reference

                        HW:   Paragraph Response to a quotation (due Monday)