page contents

Ms. Zompa             STEAM          [email protected]


Welcome to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)!  I am looking forward to working with every student to have a successful, enjoyable year!  We will be combining science, technology, engineering, art, and math to create solutions to given problems.  These solutions will be physically built out of given materials and will be the best solution each student can create; there is no “right” answer!  We will be using laptops, electronics, and small tools, so safety and respect are extremely important! 


STEAM Expectations

  • Safety first.
    • STEAM class requires the use of multiple tools and materials, and it is important that they are used properly.
      • Students will only be allowed to use tools after a safety quiz is passed.
      • Students who fail to use materials properly will not be permitted to complete the project and will complete an alternate writing assignment.
    • When building, students must wear closed-toed shoes.
  • Think, always!
    • With tools and materials being used regularly, students must think before and while completing all tasks. 
    • Listen carefully and follow all directions the first time given.
  • Enter ready to learn.
    • Enter the room silently, put any belongings in a cubby, and begin assignment promptly.
    • Come to class each day with multiple sharpened pencils, a folder, and a notebook, in addition to any materials that may be necessary for a specific project.
    • Food, drinks, and gum are not permitted in the classroom.
  • Always show respect.
    • Respect yourself, your classmates, your teacher, and your classroom.
    • Copying or cheating, of any manner, will result in a zero for that assignment and referral to administration.
  • Make every second count.
    • Our time in STEAM is limited.  Please come each day focused and ready to learn!
    • Actively participate in class by raising hand to ask and answer questions.
    • Ask for help and clarification when necessary!
    • Time permitting, students may use Autodesk Project Ignite and Tinkercad, websites to create 3-d models that can be printed on the 3-D printer. 



  • Folder
  • Several sharpened pencils


Grading Policy

70% Projects, Tests, Quizzes

30% Homework, Classwork, Participation

  • Most of the projects and assignments will be completed in class.
  • Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. 
  • A “Quality Quiz” will be given each marking period.  Each student will start with 100%.  Points are lost for coming to class late or unprepared, or not meeting the STEAM expectations.  This grade will count towards the class participation grade.
  • Homework will be graded for effort.  Late homework will be accepted and will be given partial credit.
  • When a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to find out the work missed and to complete/hand in any missing assignment. (I will always help, just ask)



Signing below indicates you have carefully read and agree to all policies stated. 

*PARENTS: Signing below indicates your child has permission to use tools, materials, and websites, including Autodesk Project Ignite and Tinkercad.


_________________________________              ____________________________________

                 (Student name)                                            (Student signature)


_________________________________              ____________________________________

                  (Parent name)                                              (Parent signature)


*This form should be signed and returned to Ms. Zompa during the next class.

**All district and school policies and procedures, as outlined in the agenda book, are to be followed in class.