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Homework is an important part of the learning process. It provides reinforcement and practice of the skills taught in school. Homework helps students develop study and organizational skills. With a strong home-school connection, students learn the importance of hard work and personal responsibility.










Explain assignments.




Do all work daily.


Make sure all work is done.


Explain directions. 


Follow all directions.


Schedule a regular work time each day.


Provide reteaching.




Give best effort.  


Provide quiet work area.


Give time to write assignments.


Work neatly & proofread.




Provide encouragement & support.


Check with students before leaving.


Work independently.    


Sign assignment book.




Read daily & get assignment book signed.


If available, check website for assignments.






Take home and bring back HW folder every day!




If an assignment is missed, a homework notice will be issued. Please sign the notice that is attached in the assignment book and have your child return the missed assignment the next day. 
If the student misses 2 or more than assignments in 1 week, a lunch detention will be served.


Our goal is to help students develop into responsible, more independent learners. Your support and encouragement is very important.

Click on the "Homework and Events" link to the left to see this week's homework.