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These words are also referred to as trick words in Fundations and red words in Orton Gillingham. Sight words typically cannot be sounded out.  Thus, students must commit them to memory.  Using multisensory strategies will help your child master sight words. The activities and songs below will make learning sight words fun!!


Jack Hartman Kids Music:


Play Sight Word Smash:


Fundations Trick Words: 


a   am   and   are   as   be   by   can   come   do   for   from



has   have he   his   I   is   like   look    me   my   of   one   or   



said   she   see   the   they   to   was   we   what   with   you 


Fun ways to practice:

  • Rainbow write the words
  • Spread shaving cream on a tray or the table and write the words in the shaving cream
  • Clay or Play-Doh: Students roll clay out into long ropes and shape them into letters 
  • Bendaroos or Pipe Cleaners: Students use bendaroos or pipe cleaners to form the letters of the sight words
  • Arm tap each word:

Right handed students extend left arm, using right hand begin at shoulder and tap the spelling of each word down your arm. Then bring right hand back up to your shoulder and slide it down your arm as you say the word aloud.  Example: Spell the word AND 1.) Extend left arm out out straight 2.) Tap shoulder and say AND aloud 3.) Tap each letter down your arm A-N-D 4.) Bring right hand back up to left shoulder and slide it down your arm saying AND 5.) Repeat 3 times

Left handed students follow the same steps except extend your right arm and use your left hand to begin tapping from your right wrist up to your right shoulder. When saying the word aloud on the last step, slide left hand up right arm.  The purpose of this is to reinforce left to right directionality for reading.