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Merriam-Webster defines Physics as...



noun plural but singular or plural in construction \ˈfi-ziks\

Definition of PHYSICS

1: a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions
2a : the physical processes and phenomena of a particular system
 b : the physical properties and composition of something


Origin of PHYSICS

Latin physica, plural, natural science, from Greek physika, from neuter plural of physikos of nature, from physis growth, nature, from phyein to bring forth
First Known Use: 1715
We simply say, "It's the study of what things are made of and how they work." 
Basically, it's the study of everything.
How can we possibly study everything in one nine month course?  Well, we're going to narrow it down to the basic underlying principles that govern the foundations of our world such as motion, gravity, heat and energy.  Towards the end, we'll venture into the area of subatomic particles, nuclear interactions and quantum mechanics.  In other words, what things are made of and how they work.  Still sound like a lot?  You're right.  It is, so let's get to work.