page contents


Week of 11-15 March 2019: Psychopathology of Serial Killers 


Monday: Intro and pwrpt for Psychopathology of Serial Killers


Tuesday: (ACT testing)


Wednesday: Antisocial Individuals, Psychopath v Sociopath


Thursday: Ted Bundy


Friday: Psychopath quiz




Week of 18-22February 2019: Wounds 


Monday: Baden, part 2


Tuesday: Rat dissection (Summative)


Wednesday: Anatomy of Wounds pwrpt


Thursday: A Coroner's Journal, chap 1-6 test


Friday: five forces, four wounds 







Week of 7-11 January 2019: Autopsy


Monday: A Coroner's Journal, discuss test dates.  Autopsy pwrpt


Tuesday: give out study guide (formative - 20 pts, due day of test), Definiton of death

Wednesday: Cause and Manner of Death


Thursday: Mortises


Friday: Confessions of a Medical Examiner, pt1 








 Welcome Back, my investigators!


Week of 7-11 January 2019: Intro to Forensics



Monday: Welcome back!, routines, checking out books, syllabus, "Who kills whom with what" Scientific America, July 2013,  pwrpt of Intro to Forensics


Tuesday: give out study guide (formative - 20 pts, due day of test), What is Forensics?, 7 types of law (lecture), Directions for Sex Offender Debate, Which right is more important, the right to privacy or the right to safety? (Debate will be on Friday 18 August)



Wednesday: Lecture on History of Forensics




Thursday: Lecture on types of physical evidence, "Paintball Case" (F-5pts)




Friday: Evidence LAB (S - 70pts), Can this Evidence be individualized?