page contents



Week of 10-14 September 2018:  To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate?


Monday: pass back test from Friday, introduction to debate on Vaccinations, (sent home progress reports from first grading cycle to be signed by parent)


Tuesday: Library time to research vaccinations, Research Guiding WS (F-10pts)


Wednesday: first half of class to work on paper for debate, group discussion, second half of class for class debate on Vaccinations (S - 60pts)


Thursday: PSA on Vaccinations, class competitions for best PSA to hang in hallway (F-5pts)


Friday: BellRingers picked up (formative - 5 pts), SuperSummative test on Unit 1



Week of 3-7 September 2018:  Homeostasis


Monday: no school, labor day


Tuesday: finish up Homeostasis Lab reports (F-10pts), begin homeostasis notes


Wednesday: share homeostasis models, apply to bear hibernation (F-6pts)


Thursday: extend homeostasis lab to boys versus girls, homeostasis review videos


Friday: BellRingers picked up (formative - 5 pts), summative test on Homeostasis (S-50pts)



 Week of 27-31 August 2018: Viral Reproduction & Homeostasis


Monday: Antivirals and CER "How can a person be HIV+ for years and not be sick?" (F-12pts)


Tuesday: Test on (Unit 1, Sequence 2) Viral Reproduction (S-50pts)



Wednesday: Pass back test, Homeostasis discussion


Thursday: Design a Homeostasis LAB to perform in class


Friday: BellRingers picked up (formative - 5 pts), Homeostasis Labs (F-10pts)




WELCOME BACK, my scientisits!

Week of 8-10 August 2018: Developing Models and Communicating


Wednesday: Orientation


Thursday: Welcome Back! class routines, syllabus


Friday: BellRingers picked up (formative - 5 pts), teaching notetaking with articles and video, then a practice CER "Who is the best X-MAN?"