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1.  All rules in the student planner apply.
2.  Seat work is quiet time so that you can think and work without distractions.  Talking, looking around, sign language, and other forms of communication are prohibited, unless the lesson permits, which will be determined by the teacher.
3.  There will be no discussion of personal/social topics during class time.
4.  Avoid all derogatory comments, even in a friendly context.
5.  Avoid unruly behavior during assemblies and field work.  You still represent me during that block of time.
6.  Keep the questioning in the scope of what is being taught at the time. 
7.  No sleeping in class.
8.  Behavior is the key to success in school.  It will contribute to how much you learn, not only in this class, but in all situations in life.

DISCIPLINE:   PBS (Positive Behavior Support)- Minor infractions such as:  talking, no homework, eating or drinking in class, etc.
    Consequences:  1st Offense- Warning by the teacher with documentation.
                             2nd Offense- Phone call to parents.
                             3rd Offense- Office referral (probation card or adjustment center.

    The PBS system does pertain to major violations, such as fighting, profanity, among others.  These call for immediate office referral.