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                   Classroom Rules

R- Respond in appropriate manner
EExcellence only!! (no sloppy work or excuses, be on task)
SStay in your own personal space (and out of others)
P-  Pay Attention and Participate! (2 for the price of 1!)
EEncourage, not discourage others
C-   Come Prepared to learn!
(materials, attitude, on time)
Take responsibility for your actions



Assigned Seats:  You are always expected to sit in your assigned seat.




Announcements:  You WILL NOT talk during announcements.  Important information is being announced and WE need to hear.




Homework Assignments and Exams:  All papers will have your name, date, and class period in the upper right hand corner.  There will be no talking during an exam.  When complete, turn your test over and sit quietly. You must bring a book to read when complete.




Absences:  It is your responsibility to speak to me about making up missed work or exams.  You may view your assignments on my web site [email protected].  Worksheets and assignments will be filed in the make-up work slot or “baggage claim”.




Sharpening Pencils


*please sharpen pencils as you enter class


*come to class with several pencils


*if you need a pencil, put ID in basket, borrow pencil, and return it




Trash Disposal


*put trash on the right corner of your desk


*when you leave class, please throw it into the garbage can




Entering Classroom


*come into class quietly, sit down and begin doing bellringer




Leaving Class


*gather up your books


*put textbooks back under each desk


*throw any trash you might have


*hand in any assignments


*leave classroom quietly




Handing in Assignments


*hand to the front of your row


*assignments that need to be completed, should be taken home and complete for the next day 






*upon entering the classroom, complete the bell-ringer for that day and/or any missed bell-ringers


*we will discuss as a class






*use restroom before school, during lunch, and during PE


*when leaving the classroom to use the restroom, you must sign out and sign back in  


*return the hall-pass to its correct spot.




Computer Use


*all students must sign the log-in sheet BEFORE using a computer and when done


*computers are to be used ONLY with teacher permission/use only your # computer


*you may only access sites approved by teacher


*DO NOT change settings, backgrounds, etc.


*DO NOT destroy mice or keyboards


*clean up any papers, etc. before leaving


*DO NOT print anything without teacher permission


*violation of computer rules will result in your loss of computer privileges!!!!!!




Group and Partner Work


*when working with a group or partner, please be respectful


*in life you will have to work with all kinds of different people, please remember that!!!


*do not complain; remember everyone has feelings, including YOU!!!!





1st infraction:  Warning


2nd infraction:  Documented OTI (Opportunity to Improve) and parent contact


3rd infraction:  Documented OTI (Opportunity to Improve) and parent contact


4th infraction:  Teacher assigned action/consequence






Oral and written praise, treats and prizes, fun activities, school-wide recognition, free reading time, student of the week, special seating, home-work passes, sit by a friend