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      *     College Disability Services


      *     Hudson County Community College


      *     College is Possible for Students with Intellectual Disability!






College Disability Services


Things to know about college disability services


Click here for information.




 Hudson County Community College 


To reach and apply for the Hudson County College accessibility resources center


Click Here



College is Possible for Students with Intellectual Disability!


Students with intellectual disability can go to college. Learn more at the “Think Higher. Think College.” public awareness campaign website ( There’s a new video and extensive resources to support and expand college options for students with ID.


The “Think Higher. Think College.” campaign is part of the Think College Inclusive Higher Education Network’s work to promote inclusive postsecondary education (IPSE) opportunities for students with intellectual disability. The goals of the campaign are to increase knowledge of inclusive college options, share information about the benefits and outcomes of students with intellectual disability attending college, and offer people ways to spread the message:

“Think Higher. Think College.”


You can also find more information on education after high school on the SPAN website by clicking her.