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This page will answer questions commonly asked by students and parents:



1. What is the best way to contact you?

Email is the best way to contact me on a regular basis. You may email me at: [email protected]. Otherwise, you may contact the school to leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


2. What if I am absent and miss an assignment?

Students have three days upon returning to school to turn in an excuse. If the absence is excused, you may turn in any assignments collected the day of absence upon return and/or makeup work assigned within three days of return (regardless if excuse is in or not). If absence is unexcused, assignments will receive a full grade reduction for assignments collected the day of absence and any makeup work assigned the day of absence.


Students are responsible for turning in work and finding out what assignments were missed (there are files in the back of the classroom). It is NOT the teacher’s responsibility to remind the student to make up work!


Students absent for a school sanctioned event should turn in work early, email assignment, or send it with a reliable friend/family member.


If you are absent on an important “due” date, when I have assigned a project, essay, presentation, research paper, or other long-term assignment, you will receive a zero. Show some responsibility by turning it in early or emailing it to me. My email is: [email protected]

Please talk to me if there are extenuating circumstances that are not covered by the attendance policy, for, I tend to be more understanding and empathetic to your situation if I know what is going on.


3. What if I miss a quiz/test?

 If you miss a test or quiz, makeup’s will be held after school on _____.  A grade of “X” will be entered into the gradebook system when a graded assignment is missed.  This grade will remain an “X” and calculate as a O until the work is made up and graded.



4. How many days can I be absent?

New state attendance policies are in effect. High school students can only miss 6 days per semester. Extended circumstances must be documented and approved by the principal.


5. What if I forget to turn something in?

Students will have plenty of time to work on assignments, so there is no excuse for assignments to be turned in late. Any work turned in after the due date (unless given prior approval) will receive a full grade reduction in points earned on the assignment each day, with the exception of long-term projects which will not be accepted late.


6. How much time should I be spending on homework each night?

Generally the rule of thumb is that for every three hours of class you should spend approximately one hour of time at home on homework (not including studying).


7. What if I do not have the tools needed to complete an assignment?

If you do not have the tools needed to complete the assignment it is your responsibility to discuss an alternate plan with me ahead of time. Excuses will not be accepted the day the assignment is due. (e.g. If you need to type a paper and you do not have a printer at home)


 8. What if I need extra help?

Do not be afraid to ask for help! We can work something out.


9. What if I am failing?

It is your responsibility to keep up with your grades.  If you are failing, I suggest that you immediately have a discussion with me to make a plan (not a week before grades are due!)


10. What if I do not understand an assignment?

If you do not understand an assignment please email or discuss it with me ASAP!   Waiting until the assignment is due in unacceptable.


12. What should I do if I cannot type an assignment?

Plan your time effectively and use the school computers or the public library to type out assignments. IF ALL ELSE FAILS, it is better to turn in something (handwritten).


13. If I email you an assignment, how do I know you received it?

I will immediately send you back a response that says, “GOT IT!”


14. Is copying and pasting off the internet plagiarism?



15. Is rewording something I read plagiarism?



16. Is copying someone else’s assignment plagiarism?



17.  What happens if I plagiarise?

You recieve a 0 for that assignment.


18. What happens if I am doing another subject’s assignment in class?

It will be taken away and returned to you at the end of class.


19. What happens if I get caught with my cell phone out?

Tangipahoa Parish School Board adopted a new parish wide cell phone policy that will be followed.


20. What happens if I fall asleep in class?

Be prepared to be woken up! Upon the second incident you will receive after school detention.  Everyone is tired, but research shows a strong correlation between student success and students being awake.